We recommend considering your cigar storage in two categories, short term (1 month to 1 year) and medium-long term (1 year to 20+ years).

Short term - In order to maintain pliability, and flavour you will need to keep your cigars in something that maintains a relative humidity of 65-70%.  There is a lot of room for personal preference here.  There are 3 types of storage you should consider, and each has it’s benefits and drawbacks.

  1. Airtight - This is the solution most consumers should consider.  Airtight has the least maintenance, and most reliability.  Airtight can be a glass or plastic tupperware like container or a sealed glass jar.  You will need to add humidity via Boveda pack, which is a gel pack in a gore-tex like envelope that is filled with a glycol water mix which maintains a specific RH.  These can be purchased in many difference percentages. 

  2. Desktop Spanish Cedar Humidor - This is the option that looks best on your desk/mantle/on display.  In Alberta the humidity is so low, especially in the winter that a desktop humidor is only usable if you have it at least half full of cigars.  Even with the half to 3/4 full they require almost daily maintenance.  They use a small sponge that you can soak with distilled water or a glycol solution.  These also require a good digital Hygrometer.  Almost all desktop humidors come with garbage analog hygrometers.  Add $30 to your budget for a digital.

  3. Cabinet Humidor with active humidification - This is a great option for a medium amount of maintenance for a large amount of cigars (100-5000). A cabinet is also the best option for medium-long term aging.

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